Because the facts of every case are different, we can’t tell you here on our blog exactly what your particular case is worth, how long it will take, or what to expect in the future…besides, it’s against Texas law for us to make those kind of representations to you. These kinds of details are unique for each person who has been injured in a San Antonio truck accident, and we would be honored to discuss these items with you individually. However, notwithstanding that each case is different, there are three things that every brain injury victim has in common, and should know, following a truck accident. Three Things You Should Understand About Your Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) If you are the victim of a trucking accident that resulted in a traumatic brain injury, there are three things that every such victim deserves:

  1. Understand Your Rights – every trucking accident deserves to know his or her rights following a trucking accident. At Barrus Injury Lawyers, we work hard to educate our clients, and the public alike, regarding their rights following a serious accident.
  2. Medical Treatment – trucking accident victims deserve not only emergency care, but ongoing medical treatment following an accident. This is true regardless of whether or not you have health insurance, or the means to pay for such treatment. If you have been injured in an accident, and do not have health insurance, Barrus Injury Lawyers has a victim treatment program to assist clients in receiving quality medical care without the need for health insurance.
  3. Knowing What Happened – following a serious truck accident, victims deserve to know how the accident occurred. Our skilled truck accident attorneys and investigators work hard right after an accident to put together the pieces of your accident case.

In addition to all of the above, you also need to know how to protect your rights. If you have questions regarding a truck accident case, please give us a call for a free consultation with one of our expert truck accident attorneys