Dog attacks can be a traumatic experience for anyone. The key is to know what to do after an accident to ensure your safety and have a higher chance of claiming damages.

1. Immediately After the Bite

Obviously, the bite victim’s needs should come first. If necessary, call 911 for emergency assistance. You should also get any of the following information:

  • The dog’s owner (name, contact number, address)
  • Witnesses and their names and contact information
  • The dog’s veterinarian
  • Vaccination information (date of most recent vaccines)

2. A Few Hours After the Bite

By now the bite victim should have received medical care for infection control. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that close to 1 in every 5 animal bites leads to infection. Even if a family dog made the bite and you don’t need to look for a dog bite attorney, you should still seek medical care. Be sure to have the information you collected at the scene of the attack, especially that concerning the dog’s vaccination records.

3. Days and Weeks After the Bite
In the days and weeks following the attack, the victim should have recovered from the initial shock of the incident. This is also an excellent time to seek the advice of a dog bite lawyer for a consultation on claiming damages. Your attorney should ask the following:

  • All medical costs of treating the bite
  • Any lost time from work
  • Costs of therapy
  • Damage to property
  • Any further action to be taken against the dog and its owner (important for dogs with a history of attacking people)

The attorneys of Barrus Injury Lawyers can help you navigate the complex waters of a dog bite lawsuit. Talk to a San Antonio dog bite lawyer to discuss your legal options and strategies for claiming damages.