For the most part, the factors that affect motorcycle accidents claims are similar to those that would affect most claims following a car accident, in that successful motorcycle accident claims are hinged on proving the liable party’s carelessness as the cause of the accident and your subsequent injuries.

Insurance – The availability of the proper insurance policy for the rider and motorcycle is probably the most critical factor to a successful claim. However, some states will have different insurance laws, which may come into play when a motorcycle rider does not have the proper coverage, thus limiting their claim’s potential.

This is especially true if your state follows no-fault insurance laws.

Proper Documentation – One reason why hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer is so important has to do with the need for proper documentation. After an accident, you might be physically unable to collect all information needed to make a claim, such as police reports, medical records, insurance policy documents, and more.

Having a lawyer to take care of everything for you dramatically increases your chances of getting the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Medical Care and Records – It’s imperative that you seek medical attention immediately following an accident. Even if you’re feeling alright, go see a doctor anyway. Aside from the fact that certain conditions don’t manifest symptoms until after several hours, failing to see medical care may be taken as a sign by the insurance adjuster to lower any compensatory amount rewarded to you. Worse, your claim may be declined.

For more pointers on what to do following a motorcycle accident, talk to the legal team at our San Antonio injury law firm for a free, no-obligation consultation.