When you find yourself wondering if you need a lawyer for your injury claim, it’s probably time to get one. And if you’re ever in doubt, just ask. Our team of San Antonio car accident lawyers are available to provide answers to frequently asked questions about auto accident claims, providing a confidential and no-obligation assessment to car accident victims and their families in Texas.

Our Texas legal team can go over the specifics of your case, answering your questions, and telling you with all honesty whether you truly need the assistance of a lawyer. To be honest, many claims are so simple they don’t even require the intervention of a lawyer, so our initial task is to determine whether you need our legal assistance or not, and inform you how and why a lawyer can be of help.

When To Get a Lawyer

In many instances, it’s more than possible to go about a settlement on your own. However, it’s also true that some cases are too complex to negotiate yourself, making it necessary to hire an experienced San Antonio car accident lawyer, who can make the difference for the success of your settlement.

As a rule of thumb, get a lawyer if:

  • Your car accident injures are serious or disabling
  • Your injuries require long-term treatment
  • Your injuries are getting worse
  • You don’t understand the claims process
  • You don’t understand your rights
  • The insurance company has made a low initial offer
  • The insurance company is coercing you into settling before you’ve recovered from your injuries

Do note that this is by no means an exhaustive list. Auto accident claims are usually not as simple an affair as they should be, which is why we strongly recommend at least talking with a lawyer after suffering a car accident. The experienced car accident attorneys at Barrus Injury Lawyers offers a free, no-obligation consultation to clients in the San Antonio area. Schedule an appointment by calling us at 210-593-8709, or contact us via our contact form.